dijous, 19 de juliol del 2012

sports and movies

This is incredible but today it wasn't raining.
Today we woke up early like every day and we went to class. We made the final exam for the certificate. Then, they mixt us again with the new Italian people so we met them better.
After lunch we had free time and we played pool at the students' union room. Later we went to play some sports and we made a football tournement. The winners were Adrià, Núria, Pablo and Maria. We returned to the apartments for a new way beside the river.
In the evening activity, we had to record different situations in groups (mixing italians and catalans). They were about Harry Potter, Little red rifding hood, X factor, etc. There was a winner group too (Mireia, Cristina, Maria and other italian people).

This is all for today!!!   See you soon

Marta, Maria Ejarque, Alicia and Mireia    

2 comentaris:

  1. Hey!!! What's going on? Are you tired? Today the blog entry has been very short. May be you do not have too much time among activities,
    Ok, seriously speaking we see you are enjoying a lot, even more under the fantastic Irish sunny day. Tomorrow will be your last day, squeeze it as much as possible. See you on Saturday.
    Take care,

  2. Bon dia Limerick,
    gaudiu del final d'aquesta estada i ojalà torneu amb energies renovades, molt motivats per seguir aprenent anglès i amb unes vivències inoblidables.

    I si us plau, amb moltes ganes d'explicar-les! Bé, amb una miqueta ja ens conformem!

    Una abraçada, mil petons i moltes ganes de tornar-vos a tenir al costat.

