dimecres, 11 de juliol del 2012

One day in Limerick city

Today we have done the same as everyday. We got up and had breakfast. After we went to the classes and we had our English lessons.
After lunch, we have caugth the bus for 20 minuts to Limerick to visit the city. We have seen some monuments and important buildings. And also we have walked around some beautiful streets of the city.
When we have had finished the turistic tour, we have got free time to go shopping and have some drinks. In this free time we have met with two Irish boys that we had already known yesterday. We have spoken some English with them at the same time that we were walking througth the city center. Finally we have got the bus again for 20 minutes to come back to the appartaments. 
After dinner the disco is waiting for us at 20:00pm (one more hour in Spain). Then we'll have a shower before getting to bed. 

Núria and Maria Mitjavila.

1 comentari:

  1. Que bé us accompanya el sol! Aprofiteu, aprofiteu!
    Ui ,veig que el grup ha crescut una mica!
    petons. Pilar
