dimarts, 10 de juliol del 2012

The first day with our classmates!

We woke up at 8 o'clock. We had our breakfast and then, we went to the classroom. But today it was different because we met with the Italian people. At first, we went all together in the same class. Later, one of the teachers started to split up us in different groups. 
When the lessons finished, we had lunch: there weren't much options to choose :( but we ate because we were hungry. Afterwards, we met another time with the Italian people and we started to play some games with them. We played hokey and football, it was awsome:). 
Finally, we went to the swimming pool and we have met some Irish boys. Now we are writting this and we are waiting for another activity which consist of having a blind date.
kisses XX 

Which one is the students' choice??

Gemma & Anna

5 comentaris:

  1. Que be una estoneta sense pluja, i com a casa, hokey i futbol.

  2. You're right Joan! We have to take advantage of the sunny moments!
    Thanks for your comment!

  3. Hola Montse i Silvia and cia, era jo sota pseudonim, no vaig signar el missatge ups!
    Es molt gratificant veure com us ho passeu, un petonet i que tingueu un bon dia, si pot ser sense pluja. Pilar.
    Thanks for your work!

  4. It`s nice to know that you can play sports in a good field!

    We like the fact that you met the italians, and there where some students of the last year!

    We're sorry that the people from Alcorcón and Madrid from last year aren't there, but you'll make a lot of new friends from other countries!

    Enjoooy! ^^

  5. Hello everybody,
    I post a message yesterday, but I think I didn't do it properly, since I haven't seen it today! Anyway, the activities you're doing sound great. Having a blind date! How exciting!
    I hope you are ALL having a super-great time!
